I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and have worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years. I discovered yoga in 2003 while living in Los Angeles. I have over 500 hours of Registered Yoga Teacher Training through the Yoga Alliance, as well as my Personal Training Certificate, in Corrective Exercise, from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. For me, yoga is a return to the heart, a return to the Self. It is about finding space in the heart, body, and mind for deep healing both internally and externally. With a focus on love, both for the Self and as an offering, my classes encourage students to listen to their bodies, open their minds, and breathe into their hearts.
Just Breathe…
No one should ever suffer with the feeling of not being able to take a deep breath.
Have you ever felt that you couldn’t take a deep breath? Panic sets in, your heart rate increases, and you can’t breathe? I have, many times. Through mindfulness practices, I have found ways to help lesson the stress of everyday life. When life becomes overwhelming, and the panic starts, I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and go within.
We all have moments in life where we feel we can not breathe deeply.
Through yoga, writing, and meditation, I have discovered many tools to help calm the nervous system, and to be able to take deep breaths in the midst of chaos.
It is my hope to help others cultivate the tools, and practices, to help move through this beautiful, tragic, amazing, heartbreaking, joyous life, while breathing life, deeply, into these precious lungs.
No one should ever have to suffer with the feeling of not being able to breathe.
Contact Kasey
Drop a note, ask a question, or questions, or just say hello. I am here to support and listen. Together we are mighty.